Thursday, April 21, 2016

Farmer Ivey came to our school today to share some of her farm animals with us.  She brought a cow, a calf, a sheep, a pony, a chicken, a turkey, a bunny, ducklings, chicks, and goats.  We got to pet some of the animals and she talked about the animals. 

 Farmer Ivey

 This is Daisy.  We learned that a cow has FOUR stomachs.

 This is Petunia, Daisy's baby calf.  Petunia drinks milk from her mom Daisy.

 Farmer Ivey milked Daisy to show us how the milk comes from the cows udders.
Daisy needs to be milked 2 times a day.

 This is Bubblegum the pony.  Bubblegum was shedding her 
winter coat to get ready for warmer weather.

 Here are Bubblegum's teeth.  We think they are really BIG!

 We thought Bubblegum had soft hair.

 Mr. Grouchy the turkey greeted us with a "GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE".
Turkeys fly up into a tree when they are ready to sleep.  
They sleep in trees so they don't get eaten by
a coyote or fox.

 This is the wool from a sheep.

 We got to see how fluffy and thick Annabelle's wool is.  Sheep have to get their wool shaved off before summer.  They don't shed their wool.

 Henrietta was the chicken.  We learned that a brown chicken lays a
brown egg and a white chicken lays a white egg.  Who lays the green, blue,  and red eggs?  The Easter Egg Chicken!!

 This is Gertrude the momma goat.  She has horns.

 A baby goat is called a kid.  This is Gizmo and Doodle.

 This is Mr. Fluffy.

 Here is the duckling.  She has webbed feet to help 
her swim in the water.  She doesn't have a beak, she has a bill.

What a GREAT time we all had seeing the farm animals!!!!