Friday, September 25, 2015

We have enjoyed exploring with our pattern block shapes 
during center time.  We work puzzles with our shapes and then have 
free exploration to create our own designs.  
Take a look at a few of our creations.

 fish, sun, rocket, squid and a pirate

During math this week we learned about our geo-boards and geo-bands.  We use them to make different shapes.  We made triangles, squares, circles, rhombi, hexagons  and rectangles.

Apples, apples and more apples!!  We learned about how apples grow, what we can make with apples, learned an apple poem and enjoyed reading lots of books about apples.
The children got to see what an apple tree looks like throughout the year during the different seasons.
During the winter the tree is bare, in spring it starts to grow new leaves and buds begin to grow, in the summer the tree is full of green leaves and apples begin to grow and during the fall the apples are ripe and ready to be picked!!
We had a yummy apple tasting party to see which apple was our favorite!  

 We tasted Red Delicious apples....

 Yellow Delicious apples.......
 and Granny Smith apples. 
We were curious about why the green apples were called Granny Smith.  We found out that they are named for a lady named Granny Smith.  She was the first to find this apple sprouting by a creek on her land.

After tasting our apples we graphed our favorite.  
The class like Red Delicious the BEST!!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

 During our center work time we enjoy lots of hands-on learning activities. 
This is a great time to show our teachers what we can do!

 Tracing shapes of all different sizes.  We traced circles, rectangles, triangles, ovals and squares.

We uses play-doh to make shapes, numbers, letters, curvy lines, straight lines, diagonal  and zig zag lines.

 We love to work puzzles.

 We worked on putting stickers on our names.  This helps to make our finger muscles stronger.

We work puzzles with our pattern block shapes.  We can make penguins, lions, snakes, turtles and other animals with our shapes.  We use triangles, squares, rhombi, 
hexagons and trapezoids.

Last week we read the story Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  During our center time we made a torn paper palm tree and spelled our names with our foam letters.  Later we made a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom snack with graham crackers, apple slices, grapes and letter stamped Cheez-Its.

Friday, September 11, 2015

 Our class thinks that Kindergarten is.....ALL GOOD!
We enjoyed getting to know each other and our school 
with Pete the Cat.  He is a "COOL" cat in our book!

During snack we enjoyed making a "Friendship Rainbow" for our class.  We added kindness, love, honesty, hard work, imagination, sharing and happiness to make our classroom a great place to learn!!

We have started our Daily 5 and are working on becoming better readers.  You will see pictures of us practicing "Read to Self".

We also learned about STAMINA.  This is being able to do ANYTHING for a long period of time with out getting tired or giving up!  We are up to 7 minutes on our stamina graph!!!  

 Read to Self:

We can......
read the whole time,
stay in one spot,
eyes on the book,
voice level "0".
We are working to do all of these things INDEPENDENTLY!!!

We learned that there are 3 ways to read a book.
1. Read the pictures.
2. Retell a story you have heard or read.
3. Read the words.