Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Little Old Lady Retelling

Today we enjoyed retelling and acting out the story of..... 
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.

The little old lady went for a walk in the woods.  She was picking berries and nuts.  It started to get dark so she headed for home.  On he way home she ran into a pair of BOOTS.

The BOOTS went STOMP, STOMP.  The little old said, "I'm not afraid of you!"

Then she saw a pair of pants.  The pants went, WIGGLE, WIGGLE.
The little old lady said, "I'm not afraid of you!"  She kept walking.

She ran into a shirt.  The shirt went SHAKE, SHAKE.  
The little old lady said, "I'm not afraid of you!"

She saw a pair of gloves of a tall black hat.  The gloves went CLAP, CLAP and the 
hat went NOD, NOD.  The little old lady said, "I'm not afraid of you!"

Last she saw a BIG pumpkin head and the pumpkin head went BOO, BOO!
The little old lady did not say a word and RAN home to lock the door.

The little old lady heard a knock at the door and she opened door to find everything at her door.
The pumpkin head said BOO, BOO and the little old lady said, "I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!"
The pumpkin head was sad so the little old lady whispered in his ear.

The next morning she awoke to find a
SCARECROW.... that scared all the crows away!


Friday, October 25, 2013

We started Farm Day with a story...The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.  After the story the children enjoyed making their very own SCARECROW!
 First we stuffed his pants.  The pants went WIGGLE, WIGGLE!

 We enjoyed balling up the newspaper to stuff the shirt.


 And finally we were done stuffing his shirt! The shirt went SHAKE, SHAKE!!

 His hat went NOD, NOD and his pumpkin head went
BOO, BOO!!!!!
Farmer Ivey visited us today and brought 
some of the animals that live on her farm.

Mrs. Daisy the cow came and we learned that she had a baby calf in her belly.  The baby calf is due any day now!
Farmer Ivey milked Daisy and showed us the milk.

Farmer Ivey told us the yellow stuff in the milk was vitamins and minerals.

The sheep's name was Lambchop and we learned that we get wool from the sheep.  We use the wool to make clothes and blankets.

The donkey's name was Jenny and we had a student who has an cousin named Jenny.  We think this is FUNNY! The donkey was used for riding or he could pull a wagon.  Donkeys have a great sense of hearing!

We got to touch some of Lambchop's wool.
Pinkie the pig was named because his skin was pink when he was born. Now he is covered in white hair.

The bunny's name was Cottontail.  He was the softest animal.
Mr. Tom was the turkey.  He has a beard on his chest.

We learned that a white chicken lays white eggs and a brown chicken lays brown eggs.  Henrietta will lay speckled eggs.

The baby chick was our favorite to pet!!!

After we visited with Farmer Ivey and her animals.
We went back to the room to make butter to go with
yummy biscuits!

We had to SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE and SHAKE some more to get our milk to turn to butter.
Here is what it looked like when we were done shaking.
We decided that we are good butter makers!!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

World School Milk Day

Today was World School Milk Day.  We grabbed a milk with our lunches today.  
We talked about why we should drink milk.  

Milk is really healthy.

 Milk will make our bodies strong.

  Milk will help us to run fast.

 Milk helps your body. 

Milk is good for you.

    Milk will help our teeth be STRONG!  
Milk will make our bones STRONGER!